Sunday, July 27, 2008

a stinking affair

i am very sensitive to smell. be it the smell of a freshly brought book, the smell of rain or a stink that is not pleasant i do react to it. but my recent sojourns and meeting with a very old problem of the indian roads may slowly make me completely insensitive to smells. and the bus journey's and window seats i love have their unpleasant side to them which i tried to ignore but could not. i have seen from the time i can remember men peeing in public road sides and streets. an article in a vernacular journal about men peeing in the open streets and roads did make me think of it a bit too. but what made me key in my thoughts about it is my daily trips to college. every morning and evening i have to pass a particular spot on my ten minute walk that particular point which is a favourite (let's say) peeing point. dont know if it is the stink or example by others or what else makes these men do it in broad public glare when public toilets are near by. they teach their boy kids to follow their example and let's say live up to the father's example! how does it feel when people pass by while one dirty the public platform. think of a day when it is drizzling and one has to pass the point in the water that washes it away. the concerns about hygine and manners that are horrified at the dust level in the air and the morality brigade that starts wagging at women's necklines getting deeper dont seem to care about this dirtying of the public place and public display of the phallus. and all those out there who love to meet and talk to strangers think twice before shaking hands with men because it may not have met soap and water after caressing the phallus. disgusting, the thought is. but think of the reality. and if women can use the toilets why do men pee in public. is it because it is easier or is it because they can not control their bladder problem. or do all men who pee in public has a prostrate or bladder problem that makes it difficult for them to wait till they see a toilet. if so it is high time attention is paid to this serious health problem that men in india are vulnerable to. not many european men seem to obe affected by this necessity of peeing in public. why can not we teach our children better manners and hygine to keep our country a bit cleaner? and talking about cleaner cities, a friend from chennai told how littering in public is punishable with a fine of 100 rupees peeing in public roads can cost the offender only half the amount, just fifty rupees, may be visible litter causes a worse image than stinking roads, 'seeing is believing', aint it?. so it may be all about stop littering and start peeing in public for indian males!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

bus journeys

how many times have you been a victim of a sexual abuse? before rushing to answer in a strong negative, recall the leering glances, the brush in a crowd, the very evident comments you faced atleast more than a single time. aint you felt that you should have slapped that person or told him or booked the crime(for it is indeed a crime). how often have you reacted vehemently, hated the gender as a whole and how often did you turn numb, shocked? or did you detested yourself for some perverts' crime? if so ever wondered to how much their number will run into? aint you realise that you need to raise your voice and act against it ? and do you know how that can frighten the offenders off? or did you just tell a collegue, friend or a kid when they complained that its all part of being a woman or thats how men are? i had to travel by bus recently in a south indian city. the left side was reserved for women and the right side for men. the women who were standing turned and stood facing the window but i found it curous that almost all the men who were standing too stood facin g the women's side. at first it stuck me as curious but then under the scanning eyes, i felt the not so innocent aspect of it. one or to stares and cant you turn to the other side worked but the whole majority stood facing the left side as if some exibition of curios was going on. and i also wonder why these men hang on to the doors and make a "mouse hole" for women to get down the bus. its just a small instance of an abuse though many wont call it so. a friend told about men deliberately grabbing at women in crowded buses and also about exibitionists and other perverts. yet another saw to her shock and disgust that while getting down somebody brushed his phallus against her. and once anyone starts counting those who brush against one and mask it as if in their hurry to get out or guided by a sandwitching crowd those innocent of it can be counted in fingers. how does it fell like travelling in and getting down from a crowded bus? and when other means of travel are limited and can cost one dear is there an alternative free from these?from comments to vlgarity to sexual abuses in buses in this south indian city ordealises women's lives. and i doubt if many other places could bail themselves out of such state? may be i dont know enough of bus journey's and those in this south indian metro. will more number of buses, uncrowded travel facilities and voicing out cure this?these abuse happen and are sometimes naturalized in the city famous for its cinema and strong culture consciousness. and i restrain from naming the city as i love it for all its merits and tough i can not ignore the demerits anymore.